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Kilas Buku: Billy the Kid


Title: Billy the Kid
Genre: Children, Realistic fiction
Paperback, 115 pages
Published in 2002 by Harper Collins (first published in 2000)

I was faster than all the kids twice my age. And somehow I could always make a football do whatever I wanted it to. It just came easy to me, I don't know why, but it did.

The only thing Billy ever wanted to do was to play for Chelsea. His dream come true when he was picked for the team - but that was 1939, and the Second World War began, and then Billy's life, like everyone else's was changed for ever.

Billy's no kid now - he's eighty today. But he's got memories, such memories...
Truly, I don't think this story is really about a kid. It's all about an old man named Billy and his memories. He has uneasy story to share here. His dream to be Chelsea footballer met an end when Hitler attacked some countries in Europe and its ally, Japan, hit the USA with massive bomb in Pearl Harbor. His destination as footballer was threatened. Then he compromised the future by joining the Royal Army Medical Corps. Billy the Kid, is not only telling you, the readers, about kid's dream, but also about history (of world war), and life lesson you can take.

The story uses reverse chronology to reveal the plot. It uses different fonts to show either flashback or flash-forward story. So that the readers would not be confused.

There are many things made me fall into significant states; sadness, happiness, and kind of 'the state of being motivated'. First, when Billy was enjoying his popularity, his step father told him to not proud of all of them.
One paper called me 'Billy the Wonder Kid'. Another said I was 'as good as Stanley Matthews, maybe better'...
"Don't read all that stuff, Billy," he told me. "Don't even look at it. Not good for you. Let your mum cut it out and stick it in a scrapbook. You can read it later when you're older - can't hurt you then." (p. 32)
Here, the step father warned Billy about a dangerous of being proud. It'll destroy someone who brag about his achievement, luck, and other his good things.

Second, I was aware that sometimes we people couldn't meet our dream easily. There must be some obstacles to overcome. And there might be some conditions that couldn't be ignored.
I was a prisoner-of-war. (p. 47)
Everybody is a prisoner of anything. Somebody is prisoner of poverty, (or) starving, (or) stupidity. In other hand, somebody is prisoner of money, (or) power. Then I remember some people that cannot achieve their dreams easily because of these condition. As human, there's nothing we can do unless do our best, help each other and of course believe in God.

Well, no more can I share here. Just read the book and get the feeling of Billy the Kid. :)

3 stars out of 5 for this book.
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