Title: Song of Love and Death
Authors: Neil Gaiman, Diana Gabaldon, Jim Butcher, and many more.
Genres: Fantasy, Paranormal Romance
Editor: Georde R.R. Martin and Gardner Dozois
Published: Simon and Schuster, November 2011
Edition: Pocket Book paperback, 644 pages
What do you expect when you hook up with a beautiful vampire like Edward Cullen and tough vampire like Angel? Will you get crushed on them or you just pass them by? Then what if you find strange case related dark magic? Will you testify it to those who obviously don't believe such a thing? It's your call.
Love and death are dark romance. I, myself, cannot imagine whether I would fall in love and get along with a lover from different world. But I guess some people, especially fiction character, do that.
'Song of Love and Death' consists of 17 short stories from New York Times bestselling authors. One of them is Neil Gaiman which because of him I picked up this book. Then, you don't have to read all of the stories. You can pick some of them that make you're interested in. Believe me, if you are fond of paranormal romance and you think that you're a Gothic person, you're match with this book. Absolutely you'll like it. But if you're not, I bet you can't stand with the stories.
'All Thing About Cassandra' by Neil Gaiman won 2011 Locus Award for Best Short Story. It's about a young painter named Stuart. He imagined having a girlfriend, Cassandra. He dated her 4 times before breaking up. The thing was Stuart made his story up about Cassandra. She was a fake girlfriend and would never been exist. Then that day came; this Cassandra showed her face. So, who is this Cassandra? Then I think you can guess how the story would end. :)
2 out of 5 stars for this anthology.
'Song of Love and Death' consists of 17 short stories from New York Times bestselling authors. One of them is Neil Gaiman which because of him I picked up this book. Then, you don't have to read all of the stories. You can pick some of them that make you're interested in. Believe me, if you are fond of paranormal romance and you think that you're a Gothic person, you're match with this book. Absolutely you'll like it. But if you're not, I bet you can't stand with the stories.
'All Thing About Cassandra' by Neil Gaiman won 2011 Locus Award for Best Short Story. It's about a young painter named Stuart. He imagined having a girlfriend, Cassandra. He dated her 4 times before breaking up. The thing was Stuart made his story up about Cassandra. She was a fake girlfriend and would never been exist. Then that day came; this Cassandra showed her face. So, who is this Cassandra? Then I think you can guess how the story would end. :)
2 out of 5 stars for this anthology.
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