

Kilas Buku: The Bridges of Madison County

The Bridges of Madison County
By. Robert James Waller
Hardcover, 171 pages
 Published by Warner Books, Inc., 1992
American Booksellers Book Of The Year Award for Adult Trade (1993)
“I am the highway and a peregrine and all the sails that ever went to sea” (pp. 153)
Robert Kincaid, a professional photographer, made a long way to Iowa to see Roseman Covered Bridge in Madison County and make a picture of it. He was confused for a while and made his truck stop right in front of a country house. He needed to ask for direction to the way to the bridge. At the moment a woman appeared to his view. He felt more needs than asking for direction. By the time he already knew he would fall in love with this woman. The woman who was a young war bride from Italy once, named Fransesca.

In short time, they knew they love each other. Having in common with this strange stranger, Fransesca felt strange feeling. It's not the same with what she felt about her husband. Then they spent time together to feel each other. But the time always runs fast so that they had to be placed at where they already were.

This novel is beautifully written by Robert James Waller. I cried for some parts of reading. It's not only because the sad romance but also Francesca's sacrifice for her husband and children. In one side, Fransesca did wrong thing; betraying her husband. And for this part I don't agree with her (since I call my self as conservative person). In the other hand, Fransesca was aware of her responsibilities as wife and mother. She couldn't just leave her family that way. So that she refused to take Kincaid's offer to live with him. And I like the latter one. By choosing to stay with her family, Fransesca showed that she was a respectful woman.

Moreover this novel is based on true story. Children of Fransesca has found their mother's letter (about her relationship with Robert Kincaid) to them and read it carefully. Realizing that this is a beautiful story, they decided to make it as a public story (with some considering) and called Waller to write.

Finally I give 3 out of 5 stars. It's surprising me when I see most of readers gave it only a star in Goodreads. I have no idea which part they don't like. But they have their opinion and I have mine.
“The old dreams were good dreams; they didn't work out but I'm glad I had them.” (pp. 42)
picture taken from
Robert James Waller is a writer, photographer, and musician. He is the author of two books of essays, Just Beyond the Firelight and One good Road Is Enough, both published by Iowa State University.

Ulasan ini diikutsertakan pada Baca/Posting Bareng BBI untuk genre romance dan RC English Reading by Bunda Peni.


  1. i remember watching the movie...agak aneh sih melihat tema perselingkuhan orang yang udah tua...tapi i guess the book is more beautiful ya.

  2. Aku agak g suka kalau temanya selingkuh >_<.. tapi kalau bisa diceritakan dengan indah, jadinya malah bittersweet gitu y endingnya
