

Kilas Buku: Behind Closed Doors

What do you say if you meet a perfect couple and flawless, with a handsome-successful lawyer as the husband, and a beautiful-smart-multitasking woman as the wife? Would you be awed like Diane? Or be suspicious like Esther? I might do like Diane does because I am such a fan of romantic and perfect relationship.

Let's go to the point. Jack and Grace Angel are undoubtedly a perfect couple in public sight. Started with a dinner party, the story sets this couple having good time with Diane and Adam (Jack's old friends) together with Esther and Rufus (the couple's new neighbor). Grace is little bit nervous since this is kind of their first open-house event. She and Jack prepares the dinner perfectly so that make their guests comfortable. The result is (as they expect) the guests feel really amazed, except Esther.

In the next chapter we'll find some answers that Esther and some readers might wonder. Bit by bit Jack's real personality is peeled. It turns out Jack is Jackass who keeps his wife locked in a room for days even without food. That's the answer of why: Grace always has good appetite and eat much but her body stays slim; Grace produces her own clothes; Grace doesn't even bother having a mobile phone and email; and so many other inconceivable things.

Jack admits he is a psychopath. He feels happy to have someone jailed under his watching, in this case is Grace and sooner Milly, Grace's sister with down syndrome. The more afraid of the captive, the happier Jack is.

Grace is powerless. She doesn't have choices except play the game Jack made for her and Millie. Some of you might think Grace is real a damsel in distress, but she's not. She's trying for help, hope, and chances whenever and wherever she can get them. Finally her only hope is Jack's death. If Jack is really dead whatever the cause is (Grace might want to murder him slowly), what will she say to the police then? Murdering a monster is not that easy. You need to find smooth way to do it.

This is a thriller story that hard to stop reading it in the middle. Meaning, it is kind of page-turner. Written in so many "Present" and "Past" chapters make me eager to keep the story up. Thus I found my self scared of the terror Jack made. I feel Grace anyway. I can feel how silence can be so creepy in this story. Jack is a real devil-angel with sweet face and dreadful heart. I even almost cry "HELP" loudly while reading it.

Well, thanks B.A. Paris! Your story make me almost turn into jelly. And I will recommend it to everyone who loves such a thriller story. Guys, you will enjoy it though.

Book Information

Title: Behind Closed Doors
Author: B.A. Paris
Kindle Edition, 336 pages
Published August 9th 2016 by St. Martin's Press (first published February 11th 2016)

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