

Lucky No. 14 Reading Challenge

Well hi.. I think I still have strength to continue my reading challenge next year. What about your RCs this year? Yeah, I think I've passed them already. Ha-ha, not trying to be conceited and brag about them, but that's the fact. I tried hard to, at least, complete all challenge. Do I expect award by accomplishing them? Hmm, the first thing is I just want to have encouragement to read my pile of books. Then if I get awards by doing it, that's just consequence that I'm supposed to grateful to.

So, here I am, trying to count myself into Lucky No. 14 Challenge host by Astrid in PerpusKecilKu. Go-go-go check it out to participate as well! As the RC name, there are 14 categories to fulfill. Check them out:

1. Visit The Country: Read a book that has setting in a country that you really want to visit in real life. Make sure the setting has a big role in the book and it can make you know a little bit more about your dream destination. || Emerald Green by Kerstin Gier 
2. Cover Lust: Pick a book from your shelf that you bought because you fell in love with the cover. Is the content as good as the cover? || Bookends by Jane Green 
3. Blame it on Bloggers: Read a book because you’ve read the sparkling reviews from other bloggers. Don’t forget to mention the blogger’s names too! || Lion Boy by Zizou Corder, A Coyote's in a House by Elmore Leonard 
4. Bargain All The Way: Ever buying a book because it’s so cheap you don’t really care about the content? Now it’s time to open the book and find out whether it’s really worth your cents. || Shopaholic Abroad by Sophie Kinsella 
5. (Not So) Fresh From the Oven: Do you remember you bought/got a new released book last year but never had a chance to read it? Dig it from your pile and bring back the 2013. || Seraphina by Rachel Hartman 
6. First Letter’s Rule: Read a book which title begins with the same letter as your name (for me, Astrid means A, and I can read anything that started with the letter A). Remember: Articles like “a”, “an” or “the” doesn’t count :) || The Fault in Our Stars by John Green 
7. Once Upon a Time: Choose a book that’s been published for the first time before you were born (not necessarily has to be a classic book, just something a little bit older than you is okay. You can read the most recent edition if you want to) || Pewaris Cinta by Maria A. Sardjono 
8. Chunky Brick: Take a deep breath, and read a book that has more than 500 pages. Yep, the one that you’ve always been afraid of! || House of Spirit by Isabel Allende, Pope Joan by Donna Woolfolk Cross
9.  Favorite Author: You like their books, but there are too many titles. This is your chance, choose a book that’s been written by your fave author but you haven’t got time to read it before. || House of Hades by Rick Riordan, Stardust by Neil Gaiman, Rahasia Peron 13 by Eva Ibbotson, Operasi Penyelamatan Hantu by Eva Ibbotson 
10. It’s Been There Forever: Pick up a book that has been there on your shelf for more than a year, clean up the dust and start to read it now :) || Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer 
11. Movies vs Books: You’ve seen the movie adaptation (or planned to see it soon) but never had time to read the book. It’s time to read it now, so you can compare the book vs the movie. || The Help by Kathryn Stockett 
12. Freebies Time: What’s the LAST free book you’ve got? Whether it’s from giveaway, a birthday gift or a surprise from someone special, don’t hold back any longer. Open the book and start reading it now :D || Selimut Debu by Agustinus Wibowo 
13. Not My Cup of Tea: Reach out to a genre that you’ve never tried (or probably just disliked) before. Whether it’s a romance, horror or non fiction, maybe you will find a hidden gem! ||  Build Your Own Website The Right Way Using HTML and CSS by Ian Lloyd (Non-Fiction) 
14. Walking Down The Memory Lane: Ever had a book that you loved so much as a kid? Or a book that you wish you could read when you were just a child? Grab it now and prepare for a wonderful journey to the past :) Comic books or graphic novels are allowed! || The Mystery of Spiteful Letter by Enid Blyton, The Five Find-Outers #4 
Actually the list above is temporary list to read. I might add some books or even omit one of them. Well, I hope this RC is going well. So, are you still not interested to participate? :)


  1. no 14 itu pasukan mau tahu ya? kalau iya, nama geng-nya bagusan yang terjemahan yaa, hahahaha :))

  2. I loveeee Emerald Green! Love your choices, good luck! :)

  3. buseeeeetttt itu yang not my cup of tea kayanya sangat menantang deh dhil hihihi...thanks udah join ya, good luck dhilla!
